Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Random Chloe quotes

It's been quite a while since I have posted on this blog and believe me, it's not from lack of material...oh no--I'm bombarded by golden Chloe-isms on a daily basis. Unfortunately, it's been from lack of time. So, in order to keep our faithful readers satiated, I've decided to list some wonderfully wise gems that Chloe has uttered recently.
Here are a few examples of one of Chloe's favorite formulas for starting conversations: The "Look at me, I'm (insert random noun here)."

~Chloe puts a brush in her pants pocket and demands, "Look at me. I'm a cowboy."
Me: "Why?"
Chloe: "Because I have a brush in my pocket."

~Chloe is feeling goofy and begins to spin around, dancing happily. "Look at me! I'm like a plum!"

~After rubbing lotion on her arms and legs one day, Chloe runs to me and says, "Oooh, look at me! I feel like a submarine!"

~With a fierce looking glare, she looks at me and says, "I'm Batman!'re Robin."
Me: "So, if you're Batman and I'm Robin, does that mean Daddy is the Joker?"
"No," she replies seriously. "He's Catwoman."

Despite her lunacy and her occasional gender confusion, she will say something in such a deadpan manner, I can't help myself from cracking up.
One day, I was preparing a bottle for her little brother while she was enjoying "Sesame Street." He was wailing at the top of his lungs from hunger, so I implored her to entertain him while I finished making his food.
"Chloe, " I pleaded, "will you take care of Charlie for me so I can get him some formula?"
Without taking her gaze off the glow of the television, she told me, "I can't. I don't have my medical kit with's in my room."
I just stopped what I was doing and looked at her. I didn't realize Charlie's plight was due to a medical condition. I just thought he could a little sisterly distraction for a couple of minutes. Boy, what was I thinking? :O)

There have been countless other odd quips that Chloe has said in the past couple of months. Her thoughts can be sometimes hilarious, sometimes profound or sometimes, they can make you go, "awww....kiddo.."
One day last week, I was getting ready for work while the baby was sleeping. Even before Chloe can remember, my husband works first shift and I work second shift, so we can keep the kids out of daycare. She knows this.
So, while I'm styling my hair, she begins the conversation.
Chloe: "Where's Daddy?"
Me (smiling): "You know where he is."
C: "At work."
Me: "Yep. He'll be home in about an hour."
C: "What're YOU doing, Mommy?"
Me: "Getting ready for work..."
C (adamantly): "YOU can't go to work!!!"
Me (giggling): "Why not?"
C (sadly): "If you leave for work, me and Charlie will be alone."
When she said that, it just made me feel sad. I reassured her that I would never leave her and her brother alone, and that I only go to work after Daddy gets home. I guess I just get a bit startled by the fact that she seems so in-tuned with her emotions. It throws me for a loop some days.

Well, I'm going to try to leave this post on a silly note. I forgot to mention in the earlier post back in July (regarding her medical kit) about the crazy things she "finds" inside people's ears when she examines them with her otoscope. During a typical Dr. Chloe ear exam, the usual conversation goes something like this:
"Let's see what's in this ear.......*GASP!*"
Patient: "What is it, Doctor?"
Dr. C: "Ooooh....ladybugs...Let's look in this one..." (changing from one ear to the other) ".....*GASP!*"
Patient: "What? Is it bad?"
Dr C: "Hmmmm......spiiiderrss..."

Dr. Chloe doesn't just find earwax in her patients' ears. Some of the wacky items she has "discovered" include ladybugs, spiders, junebugs, Spongebob (and his friends), quarters, and probably the strangest of all, homes. There's nothing more frightening than to have your ear doctor look in your ear and say, "" After all, I doubt they make medication for such a malady.